I have had some very good news last night regarding a newspaper article with The Sun. This is something that has been in the pipeline for sometime and is designed to raise awareness of Hormonal depression and how it can be misdiagnosed.
As I have previously explained in my Synopsis to the book, I was told on many different occasions that I had Bipolar, Panic Disorder, Personality Disorder and sometimes even the word Schizophrenia was mentioned which was horrifying to say the least. I hope by writing about my experience of it other women and indeed health professionals can see that sometimes all is not as it first seems and that there is often another cause for emotional disturbances and indeed mental illness.
I still cant believe that I feel so well. I still cant believe that I wake up in the morning and don't have the raging irritability and crippling mood swings. I still cant believe that I don't contemplate suicide daily and that I don't suffer from nightmares, hallucinations and delusions. This is all because I realized the correlation between my symptoms and my menstrual cycle. Once I had gathered enough evidence to prove that I was suffering from a hormonal disturbance I was then able to fight my illness with startling results.
Women always ask me the same two questions. How do I know if I have hormonal depression and what do I do to make myself better? The simple answer is to download a "menstrual chart" from the NAPS website which is the National Association of Pre-menstrual syndrome and the second would be, once you have three months of symptoms documented on your chart, see your GP. If you can see a clear pattern in your symptoms then you have the evidence to hand.
Once you have seen your Gp it is imperative that you ask for a referral to your nearest PMS clinic (dont accept a no from your GP). You have the right to ask and there is help available. When you have received your appointment make sure that you take your charts with you and then you can prove your point.
The main objective of this is not to suffer in silence and to take control of your own illness which is often greatly misunderstood and indeed misdiagnosed. Please feel free to contact me at anytime and I will help you in anyway that I can. God Bless. Suzi. xx
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