Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Why do I blame the hormones??

Many years ago was suffering from so many physical ailments along with my depression and anxiety that I felt sure that my immunity was being compromised somehow. In fact I began to realize and just had a hunch that there was more to my illness than just low mood or a general depressive disorder. I was suffering from all manner of infections and I would often have swollen joints and various aches and pains which were mostly centered around my lower back and in the groin area. I also began to suffer from acne and seemed to spend more time in the doctors surgery than out. I was so convinced that I had a hormonal issue that I started to research, firstly at the library where my son would sleep in his buggy, and then later I began to read books by senior medical professionals who rightly convinced me that I did have a hormonal problem which was creating a cycle of profound mental and physical ill health.

Some 10 years later I am still reading, and am I fascinated by hormones and how they can effect our mood and indeed "mimic" mental illness, even creating a schizophrenic like syndrome in some poor women.
There are many causes of depression, some are a reaction to life events such as abuse, disturbed childhood, trauma and parental issues, but my illness was caused by the huge fluctuations and hormone sensitivity. I must add that if somebody does have disturbed and critical life events, such as I have mentioned above, these will always have a disturbing effect on our mind and body systems and go on to destabilize our hormone balance creating a cycle of ill health. Any stressful event in our life will therefore go on to damage our hormones which is something to consider when looking at the whole picture of this female depression.

For further information and vital reading I would start with,

Depression after childbirth. By Dr Caterina Dalton.
The PMS Bible. Also by Dr Caterina Dalton
Balance your hormones By Patrick Holford.
It must be my hormones by Dr Marion Gluck

And most importantly and with sincerest thanks,

Reproductive depression is the depression in women that is related to the hormonal changes of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and the menopause and is manifested clinically as premenstrual syndrome,postnatal depression and climacteric depression. These three components occur in the same vulnerable women and will normally have a history of premenstrual syndrome, premenstrual dysphoric disorder and then develop postnatal depression. When the periods return after giving birth the depression becomes cyclical as PMS. These three conditions are effectively treated with bio-identical hormones which should be a first choice therapy but can be used along with antidepressants. The critical time to prevent long term mood disorders is the correct treatment of postnatal depression.
Professor John Studd, London PMS and Menopause Center. March 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous post .. its great to identify and relate would like some personal experience thrown in ..
