Monday, 29 September 2014

The curse of the sensitive person

When researching for my book 'I blame the Hormones' I've had the privilege of meeting many different people, from all walks of life who have suffered from many different types of emotional difficulties. These would include a full blown mood disorder, to post traumatic stress and bipolar, and I am delighted that I have had such positive feedback and am able to  offer assistance to those that need it.

When I was a small child I suffered from anxiety ( yes even at a very young age) and it was quite obvious that my sensitive nature was indeed a sign of what was to come. I would often be tearful and seem to take things more to heart than others ,which left me vulnerable and overwhelmed on many occasion. I was also acutely sensitive to the world around me and often struggled to make sense of humankind and in particular the dark side of our world and all of its trepidations. Unfortunately I also became oversensitive with regards to my peers and often felt victimised or had a sense of not fitting in, despite my ability to hide behind a mask of confidence.

When fellow sufferers of depression contact me, and in particular those with hormonal depression, I have noticed that not only are they sensitive to their hormonal changes, but indeed they often have food sensitivities too, and can even suffer from allergies and intolerances as part of their symptoms.
It seems that the physical and mental often coincide, and the emotional difficulties go hand in hand with some physical manifestations. Sometimes there is  even a heightened sensory awareness, with sound and light becoming intolerable and sometimes even painful  which is extremely difficult to describe.

It seems to me that people that suffer from depressive episodes are quite often the ones that care the most, feel the most, and are the most compassionate of people. This is something to bear in mind if you are a sufferer and are feeling that sense of shame and stigma attached to a depressive diagnoses. One particular sufferer explained that her own doctor had told her that depression only happens to people that 'care', and this in itself can be a great comfort to those suffering from a sensitive and sympathetic nature. If you are feeling overly sensitive try to see it as a blessing and a natural part of your own personality, rather than something to be overwhelmed by. In my opinion it really is a better way to be, despite the obvious downsides.

Please share this blog with your friends and help the sensitive understand their sensitivity.
God Bless.
Suzi x

1 comment:

  1. I had realised there must be a link between my PMDD and my food intolerances as well. Interestingly I found a link to a test for the Highly Sensitive Person or HSP and I ticked nearly all the boxes. It was such a relief to understand and be reassured that this was in my genetic makeup. I can no longer eat even a crumb of gluten and have been lactose intolerant for over 20 years. I am sensitive to smells and can't wear nice perfumes other than White Musk as the smell is too intense and I often get a rash. I am sensitive to wool blends and lots of other things. When my PMDD is really bad I am very noise and light sensitive and feel overwhelmed by too much of either. It's reassuring to know its all linked and to know I'm not going mad.
